Hydrogène: Comment décarboner l'Europe ensemble, au-delà des frontières?

“HYDROGEN: HOW TO DECARBONISE EUROPE TOGETHER, BEYOND BORDERS?” aims to offer researchers, entrepreneurs, political decision-makers and hydrogen specialists from the Rhine-Meuse basin the opportunity to meet, discuss, inspire each other and build strategic partnerships. The event will thus promote cross-border and European cooperation, making it possible to strengthen the European dynamic in this area.

For more information and to register: www.H2conference.eu 

The event is free and will take place in person:

-       Monday 16th of May 2022 at Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Rue du Trône 100, 1050 Brussels (PROGRAM FOR 16 MAY)

-       Tuesday 17th of May 2022 at the Representation of the Land Baden-Württemberg to the EU, 60 rue Belliard, 1040 Brussels (PROGRAM FOR 17 MAY